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Decorating with Throw Pillows: DOs and DON’Ts

If you don’t want to paint an entire wall or commit to a trend that is going to soon die, it’s a great idea to use throw pillows to encompass fresh concepts on a budget. However, many people struggle with finding pillows that coordinate with one another. This interior decorating dilemma creates a pillow nightmare! (Pun intended). But don’t panic! By following certain guidelines, you can successfully transform the look and feel of your home by decorating with throw pillows only.

The Do’s and Don’ts of Decorating with Throw Pillows

People commonly (and correctly!) complain about the matching throw pillows that came with their sofa looking rather dull and unexciting. Don’t let those drab little guys ruin your living space! Here are some suggestions to help you use pillows to decorate with taste and purpose .

  • Don’t: Purchase a random patterned pillow because it is cute. It is important that you coordinate the colors throughout your rooms, and if you are going to use a patterned cushion, make sure it picks up at least one color that is already in your space.
  • Do: Look to see if there is a color in your room you want to pull together. If you have accents throughout your room in similar hues, incorporate a solid bold pillow to pull everything together. For example, if you have caramel tones throughout your house, find some striking orange pillows. Always search for complementary colors.

Decorating with Throw Pillowsmatching pillows 3

  • Don’t: Mix random textures that are too different in styles. For example, textures that are better suited for a formal setting (damask, satin,velvet, etc.) might not coordinate well with less refined, rougher textures often used for earthy, casual interiors (tweed,canvas,leather,corduroy, etc.)
  • Do: Break the rules and be creative! When done with taste and purpose, combining different styles, textures, colors and patterns can bring amazing results. This approach works especially well when you are going for an eclectic interior, full of personality.

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Finally, it’s a great idea to take a fan deck of paint colors and select chips that match furniture already in your space. When you go out shopping for throw pillows, you can easily reference the chip to determine which option will best match your decor.

Pillow Décor’s Caravan Cotton Pillows in Solid Colors

Bold Caravan Cotton Pillows in a range of solid colors are great for tying in decor accents

Tussar Silk Pillows

Hand woven raw silk pillows in a range of muted solid colors.

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